
You can set the default message for a custom rule, or override other default messages, by passing a messages property to the form options prop. Defaults are:

    required:'The :field field is required',
    number:'The :field field must be a number',
    integer:'The :field field must be an integer',
    digits:'The :field field must have digits only',
    email:'The :field field must be a valid email address',
    date:'The :field field must be a valid date according to the :format format',
    daterange:'The :field field must be a valid date range',
      string:'The field :field must contain between {0} and {1} characters',
      number:'The field :field must be a number between {0} and {1}',
      date:'The field :field must be a date between {0} and {1}'
    min: {
      string:'The :field field must contain at least {0} characters',
      number:'The :field field must be equal to or greater than {0}',
      date:'The field :field must be a date equal to or greater than {0}'
    max: {
      string:'The field :field must contain no more than {0} characters',
      number:'The field :field must be equal to or smaller than {0}',
      date:'The field :field must be a date equal to or smaller than {0}'
    remote:'Remote Error',
    requiredIf:'The field :field is required',
    url:'Please enter a valid URL',
    greaterThan:'The field :field must be greater than :relatedField',
    smallerThan:'The field :field must be smaller than :relatedField'

results matching ""

    No results matching ""