Status Bar

Paste the status bar inside your vf-form.

  <vf-status-bar ref="statusbar"></vf-status-bar>

By default the status bar will present the following messages (HTML is supported):

  • 'Sending...' When sending the form using ajax
  • 'Form was successfully sent' When the form was sent using ajax or client. If the form was sent using ajax and the response is a string it will be presented instead
  • An error message if the form returned an invalid code (e.g 400) and a string response.

When showClientErrorsInStatusBar is set to true, a list of all form errors will be displayed, in addition to the individual error underneath each field.


You can use the status bar to display your own messages. Get the component using the form's getStatusBar() method or directly via the statusbar reference.

  • danger(message)
  • success(message)
  • info(message)
  • warning(message)
  • reset()

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