Custom Fields
Here is how you can go about creating new types of fields. Let's create a time range picker.
Start by creating a timerange.html
HTML template:
<div class="timerangepicker">
<div class="time-select">
<label for="from">From</label>
<select name="from" v-model="from">
<option value="Select Time"></option>
<option v-for="time in times" value="{{time}}">{{time}}</option>
<div class="time-select">
<label for="to">To</label>
<select name="to" v-model="to">
<option value="Select Time"></option>
<option v-for="time in times" value="{{time}}">{{time}}</option>
Then create a timerange.js
var merge = require('merge');
var Field = require('vue-formular/lib/components/fields/field');
module.exports = function() {
return merge.recursive(Field(), {
data:function() {
return {
times: getTimes(),
ready: function() {
this.$set('rules.timerange', true);
this.$set('messages.timerange', 'Invalid time range');
computed: {
value: function() {
if (!this.from || ! return '';
return this.from + '-' +;
function getTimes() {
var times = [];
for (var i=0; i<24; i++) {
for (var j=0; j<60; j = j+30) {
times.push(('0' + i).slice(-2) + ":" + ('0' + j).slice(-2));
return times;
Note that we extend the main abstract field component, and name the fieldType
property with the same name as the partial we are about to register.
Now, let's add the timerange
rule to prevent an invalid range:
customRules: {
timerange: function(field) {
if (!field.value) return true;
var pieces = field.value.split('-');
pieces = {
return parseInt(piece.replace(':',''));
return pieces[1]>pieces[0];
Lastly, register the component and the partial:
Vue.component('vf-timerange', require('./timerange')());
Vue.partial('timerange', require('./timerange.html'));
Note: if you are sending the form using a normal request (i.e not ajax or client-only), you need to add a hidden field to the template which will receive the value.
You can find an example in the date component (date.html